D J B R I A N |
This is my 19 year old brother Paul (next to Sue, the girl that ended up being the prom queen that night -- he's a real ladies man unlike me! Of course, they weren't going out...). I can hardly believe how fast time has passed, he's a Freshman at Adirondack Community College. I think he is a pretty cool kid, and an awesome brother!! Paul enjoys too much stuff that if I list it in a month it will be obsolete. He also has a very well-developed sense of humor!! He's basically an all-around 19 year old. Damn, what happened to me? (curious look)... |
This is my mother. When we were little kids everyone would say she was the best mom out of anyone's. As we got older they would say she was okay. During the pre-teen years we were too busy goofing off to not think anything of her (unless she punished us). During high school, as our minds matured about as fast as our bodies, we started to realize something about our her that for years previous we wouldn't accept and denied, but now faced with the uncontrollable development of our minds and the ability to reason, couldn't disprove... the fact that our mother is crazy. Growing up around it doesn't help you notice it, but once we did we were so glad that out of all the crazy insane people in the world, she was the one that we called "Mom", because a truly insane mother is... well, never mind. What I meant to say is "We love you, Mom." (click here to hear her say "uh-huh"!) |
My parents are cool. They definitely are two-of-a-kind! Growing up, they usually for the most part kind-of let us do what we want and be ourselves (sense the hint of sarcasm?) helping us become good individuals! I love my parents, even though I now know they weren't perfect, but who wants perfect parents right? Sure, they may have been the contributing factors of all their children's problems, but then again they may not have been! What am I saying? I guess what I'm trying to say is "HELLLP!", no!, that my parents are nuts and I guess as a result so am I. |
This is my sister Robyn. She's a cool sister. Robyn is a teacher in a school downstate. I think she teaches second grade, not sure. She has been happily married for 4 months now. Robyn, I guess, is an okay sister. She's definitely one of a kind! And now I'll have a new brother-in-law, he's cool too! Although she's 27 she still acts like she's 16, maybe that's why all the guys like her (sorry Robyn)! Actually since she got married she's become very mature, which is cool. |
These are my cats Tigger and Sam. Tigger is really really fat and never fights back when crazy Sam attacks him. Sam is psychitsofranic (spelling?). Sam gets so jealous when he sees Tigger getting attention, he hisses and swats at Tigger. When they're not around us, they seem to get along great. The reason Tigger is so fat is because last year when our neighbors were covering their boat he happened to be in it. He wasn't released for a whole month! When he came screaming and meowing at our window he sounded terrible, and was so thin. He probably was down to about 5 pounds. No more of that, Tigger's now a hefty 17 pound lard-butt, but we love him! |