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The Newest Channels are as follows:
41 Home and Garden 42 Eternal Word 43 VH-1 44 ESPN2 45 Comedy Central 46 SciFi Channel 47 E! 48 TVLand 49 Cartoon Network ![]() 51 Country Music Televison 52 Travel Channel 53 MSNBC 54 Golf Channel 55 TV Food Network 56 Animal Planet 57 Romance Classics 58 Bravo 59 Barker PPV Previews 60 HBO 61 HBO Plus 62 HBO Signature 63 HBO Family 64 Cinemax 65 Moremax 66 Showtime 67 The Sundance Channel ![]() 68 The Movie Channel 69 Flix 71 Public Access 72 Educational Access 73 WVGB Independent - Brattleboro, VT ![]() 75 Action Pay-Per-View 76 Request 4 Pay-Per-View 77 Spice Pay-Per-View / Product Information Network ![]()
?? Speed Vision Speed Vision is dedicated to nothing but car races... Romance Classics is a spin-off of American Movie Classics (30), basically showing movies with Romantic Themes spanning movies of all time. Bravo is an independant-film / Nostalgia channel. It's been around for a long time. They're well known for re-running David Lynch's "Twin Peaks" Sneak Prevue is a preview channel for Pay-Per-View movies and events. We had this channel once for 7 months between February and September of 1993. Spice airs adult programming nightly on channel 77 and is sold in nightly blocks for $6.95. You may wonder why we have not filled all the open channels. We need to maintain some for new networks not yet announced and for requests from customers that we have not anticipated. (From a letter from Harron Glens Falls General Manager John Mucha) You can see what I would do if I ran this cable company! Brian's Harron Upgrade Channel Lineup is now available! ![]() Here's what John said about my channel line-up... I received your channel lineup suggestions in the mail and will review them. I appreciate the work that you put into it. As you may know, we have been recording customer requests for some time now. We will add new channels based on that list, the popularity of channels nationwide, and any contractual commitments that we have. We do appreciate your ideas, however. In addition, we will not activate all available channels immediately. There are many new channels in the works and we want to get customer feedback on our initial choices before we add more.
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ATTENTION EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS!! If you have ANY tapes of school activities, programming, or anything else CALL HARRON COMMUNICATIONS at 793-3835 and get your tape played on cable! Channel 72 has been set aside especially for educational institutions to use as they please to promote any school activities! Sporting events, conferences, meetings, dances, guest speakers, classes, anything! |
Queensbury Upgrade Complete! It only took 5 years... at least it seems that way. Wednesday morning November 26th, 1997 Harron Communications began transmission of their new lineup on the Queensbury system! SEE BELOW!!! Friday October 10 started VH1 FULL TIME on channel 43. Thursday Oct 2. Harron started testing on the new "tier" of channels by adding channel 40 - CSPAN2, channel 42 Eternal World Television Network, and America's Health on 50. Channel 71, which broadcasts public access, was the first new channel added to Queensbury. ![]() |
Harron Cable TV has begun... (Watch your yard get dug up!) A letter from John Mucha (3/96)... I would like to answer your questions and at the same time give you some information on cable technology and on our company as well. Let me try to explain the facts. Harron is a medium size cable TV company. It is an independent family-owned business, with about 240,000 customers spread out over New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Michigan. It is not part of a huge conglomerate like Time Warner or TCI. The cable industry is highly leveraged which means that most companies must borrow substantial amounts of money to finance purchases or expansion. Harron is no exception, but because Harron is independent it does not have the kind of borrowing power that Time Warner would have. A few years ago Harron made the decision that the Utica system needed to be rebuilt. It was the largest in the company and the plant was in terrible shape. It would make our system look great. Harron then committed $24 million to that upgrade and it took 3 years. The Utica rebuild was a tremendous effort for a small company and took virtually all the resources that were available company wide for rebuilds. As a result, every other system had to wait for the Utica system to be finished. And it took longer than expected and ran significantly overbudget. This had direct impact on any rebuild plan for the Glens Falls area. There were only so many resources to go around. I don't know what you were told in the past and I don't know who you talked to, but I can tell you that in business things change. As the Utica rebuild dragged out and ran past deadlines and budgets, other rebuild plans had to be pushed back. No one lied to you. They were telling you the best information that they had at the time. But construction activity is not a science. Delays can occur and they did. But certainly there was no attempt to deceive you or anyone else. We bend over backwards not to make commitments that we cannot keep. We do currently offer some things that CVI does not. We offer the Sega Channel. Those who play Sega love this service. And for your information, we carry this service in a gap in frequencies between other channels. It is an area too small to accommodate a regular channel but works fine for the Sega Channel. Believe it or not, we have many Harron customers who used to be CVI customers who tell us how much they prefer our lineup. I agree completely that the threat of competition is certainly a big factor in why Harron has decided to upgrade the system in the Glens Falls area. We want to offer the best service possible to our customers. But if another cable company started up immediately, they would have to do just what we are doing - survey the area, design the plant, hire a project staff, order materials, hire a contractor, put up with bad weather, delivery delays etc., etc. There is no shortcut to creating 500 miles of state of the art cable TV plant. It takes time and a great deal of hard work.
if you have any questions. The General Manager's name is John Mucha (moo-ha).
Send your complaints and comments about The Unofficial Harron Cable of Glens Falls / Queensbury Page to [email protected] Click here to go to Brian's Web Page
(Drops CVS and Sneak Prevue to do so) 9/93 Coming Soon... ![]() MultiChannel ![]() New Channels!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And Now... MultiChannel ![]() MultiChannel ![]() Click here to go to The official Harron Communications Web Site For those wondering, this page is not a sell-out. It simply is the outcome of a lot of hard work and effort... |
The Unofficial Harron Communications Page is a page dedicated to providing information about any events occuring at Harron Cable that may affect the way you watch television, including future plans for expansion as well as a list of all new channels and allocations, upgrades to existing channels, and projected dates of when the work will be started and completed. |
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