Nothing Left to Lose
By Josh Farkas
Water Media; $6.99 USD

From the faux-distressed look of the cover to the DVD-style special features in the back, Nothing Left to Lose is clearly the work of an ambitious creator. The story centers on Joe, the wide-eyed guy with the big hair staring out from the cover.

Joe (and does he not bear an uncanny resemblance to Marvel editor-in-chief Joe Quesada on the cover?) and some other folks are institutionalized because they're seeing things, which may or may not have a genuine bearing on our reality and, well, the end of the world.

At over 200 pages, this story of paranoia and hidden knowledge maintains an air of mystery throughout, but visions of an apocalyptic disaster lose potency both through the underdeveloped feel of the art and the sense that Farkas doesn't really know what's behind all the goings-on any more than any of his characters do. The climax comes down to just another raving, conspiratorial nutjob waving around a gun, and Farkas's art ultimately lacks the weight to pull off a story intended to be this portentious.

NLtL mostly strikes me as an interesting, but flawed first offering from somebody worth keeping an eye on in the future. Grade: 2.5/5

-- Alan David Doane

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