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100 Things I Love About Comics
by Alan David Doane

Inspired by a strip by Fred Hembeck, I spent nearly 24 hours secluded inside Photoshop to create the following. I think of it as a column without writing, and a comic strip without comics, as the images, fonts and placement all are meant to convey not only opinion, but narrative and information.

The original file was over 14 MB in size and my computer crashed over a half-dozen times as I was working on this. This version is as streamlined as I could make it, but it's still a big file, so if you're on dial-up you might want to go walk around the block while it loads up. If you're on a cable modem or DSL it shouldn't be more than a minute or so.

I hope you enjoy it. If you want more information about anything mentioned in the panels that follow, check out the 100 Annotations.

Again, if you want more information about anything mentioned here, check out the 100 Annotations.