Please Consider Supporting Comic Book Galaxy

Many comics web sites are literally plagued by pop-up ads and other obnoxious annoyances that I have vowed to myself will never appear on this site. We'll occasionally accept a select few banner ads, but we try to keep even those as compatible as possible with our goal of providing you with a fun, entertaining and informative online experience every time you come to Comic Book Galaxy.

We do this for free. No one associated with the site collects a paycheck. As comfortable as we all are with surfing the internet, we sometimes forget how new this all is. Most web sites, even ones you might think are making a fortune, are not turning a profit.

I'm not asking everyone to give us money, and even those who would like to help, I'm not asking for a huge donation. Just, if you enjoy the site, give what you can. And please do click on the banner ads you see and check out the comics and other items offered by our advertisers. If a company advertises on this site, that means I have personally used their service and fully recommend them as a quality organization. Seriously.

There are a number of ways you can do that, not all of them costing you money.

  • The first, of course, will cost you money. The best and most helpful thing you can do for Comic Book Galaxy right now is to send us a donation toward our expenses. Every little bit would help, but if you love the site and are able to afford it, I suggest a donation of $30.00. This is less than ten cents per day for a year of Comic Book Galaxy, and anyone who donates at this level or above will become a Member of Comic Book Galaxy. This will show your support for the site to the entire comics-reading world. Of course, if you'd rather be anonymous, we can do that, too. You can send your donation through Paypal by clicking here and directing your payment to [email protected]. If you don't use Paypal, you can send your donation through the mail. E-mail me for details.

  • The second way to support Comic Book Galaxy is to advertise on the site. Advertising on Comic Book Galaxy is effective and inexpensive, and we offer a variety of sponsorship options. If you own a business and would like to advertise on Comic Book Galaxy, e-mail me.

  • The third way to support Comic Book Galaxy is to buy comics from Lone Star Comics. Through our partnership with Lone Star, the site gets a small benefit on every purchase made through our site. Either click the Galaxy link to Lone Star Comics or click on their banner ads, which are on most pages on the site. By clicking through to Lone Star through Comic Book Galaxy and spending some money in their online shop, Comic Book Galaxy benefits. The more you spend there, the more you help us here. And I, Alan David Doane, personally use and recommend their service. The comics are reasonably priced (and often on sale) and come quickly and often in better-than-advertised condition. I can't recommend them highly enough, or thank you enough for supporting us by using their service.

  • The fourth, easiest and cheapest way to support Comic Book Galaxy is simple word of mouth. Tell your friends and acquaintances who are interested in comics to come by and visit the site. E-mail them a link, and most importantly, if you have a website, column or blog, please link to Comic Book Galaxy. Raising awareness of the site and increasing our readership will make us more attractive to advertisers, increase awareness of good comic books, and make it more likely that we'll be able to continue doing what we're doing.

Finally, I'd like to thank you for coming to Comic Book Galaxy, for reading what we do here and for letting us know that you found great comics and graphic novels by reading about them here. We do this for any number of reasons, but mainly it's for ourselves, and for you, to make comics better and to make better comics. And we absolutely could not do that without you. So thanks for everything you do to support Comic Book Galaxy and comics in general. We're committed to doing this for as long as we possibly can, and with your help, that's exactly what we'll do.

Thank you.

-- Alan David Doane

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