- You can hear about Heather and her lesbian experience
- You can't see Brian on the radio
- Hot chicks like guys who listen
- Heather Vanek's bra size
- Michael Jackson jokes
- It will increase your genital size
- Howard Stern
- Because Brian will (literally) suck up to you if you don't
- Free CDs
- No Christmas music
- Andy Jennings (Mr. FU)
- Brian Florence is a D.J.
- We'll make you laugh
- Guys will like girls who listen
- Because WBTN sucks! (duh!) No, really!
- Hear little kids belch
- Hear big kids belch
- Win candy
- A? You can change it
- Hourly subliminal messages telling you to worship Elvis Presley
- Q-104 Outtakes
- More Howard Stern
- Informative news
- Free movie rentals
- You hair won't fall out
- Your parents will get mad at you for listening and forget about
all of the other crap that they're mad at you about
- Andy's mid-pubic crisis
- Top 10 countdowns that have no relavence with current statistics
- Hot chics might be listening
- Michael Jackson might be innocent
- Too much information
- Hear funny interviews
- Lesbian Dial-A-Date, NOT!
- Hear Pete Blackbird screw up, again!
- We don't need to play the music you don't wanna hear
- Phony Phone calls
- Hourly update on Andy's sex-life (not on yet) (What sex life)
- 1/2. Pete Blackbird
- Latest weather reports
- Because we're the only station that's weather controlled
- Studio could blow up at any second
- Swearing
- Gifts (bribes) for listening
- In tune with you - fresh neighborhood source of "JUST" (??)
- May be flammable
- Beavis and Butthead impersonations
- Pay-Per-View specials
- Snow Blower Spectacular
- Brian Florence
- Howard Stern