Jason Marcy is a longtime autobiographical cartoonist and the creator of Jay's Days, a series of graphic novels detailing the ups and downs of his life as a husband, father, and cartoonist. Jay started doing comics way back in 1989, when he decided that a career in journalism wasn't for him. Over the years, he has produced numerous mini comics starting with GAVIN and then his infamous POWERWUS character. His true calling came in the form of autobiographical comics, and in 1993 he started his first, TALES FROM THE PETRO CANADA MAN, stealing the layout of Joe Matt's original Peep Show collection as his template. Six issues of Tales were produced, then two issues of a longer-form book called MARCY MUSINGS. In 2001, Jay had his first professional collection of autobio stories printed through LANDWASTER BOOKS. Jay's Days: My Life As a Cartoon met with huge critical success, and has continued to sell well to this day. he followed that up with Jay's Days Volume 2: Thirty, Cavities, and Hemorroids, Oh My!, and this was also highly praised. In 2004, the latest volume in the Jay's Days saga was released. Jay's Days 3: Rise and Fall of the Pasta Shop Lothario, detailing the true tales of Jay and his wife becoming parents, was met with the strongest praise yet for his work, and showed considerable growth for both Jay the writer and Jay the artist. All three books are available by ordering through Booksurge, and are under the LANDWASTER MEDIA label -- details are on the books page. For the past number of years Jay has also produced a daily autobio strip and keeps a Live Journal. Upcoming books include Jay's Book of Hate, Jay's Days Volume 4, the anthology collection My Day in the Life of Jay (detailing other cartoonists' encounters with the artist), and an as-yet unnamed collection of one page strips used to "warm up" before Jay's Days writing and drawing sessions. There are also plans to collect the 365 Days With Jay daily strips. When he's not doing all this comic stuff, Jay works as a pasta maker/caterer at a small shop in Oshawa, Ontario, and enjoys life with wife Kristine and their son Xander. He also wishes he had more time to read comics as well as draw them. [an error occurred while processing this directive]